Support our vision

In the heart of Pittsburgh, a remarkable light is emerging, and it needs you to help it shine brighter.

The vision of Masjid Anisa is not just about building walls; it's about uplifting and empowering a community of faith, unity, and hope in the very tapestry of our diverse Muslim community here in America. We stand at a pivotal moment, and your support can help us turn this vision into a reality.

Inspired by Anisa Kambour's visionary ideals, Masjid Anisa is dedicated to innovative educational programs and transformative initiatives, redefining the traditional role of a mosque in contemporary times. Join us in shaping our community, both physically and spiritually.

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Help us to reach our $1 million goal

Your Donation's Impact

The funds raised will be directly committed to key aspects of Masjid Anisa, including:

  • Investing in our Vision to establish a sustainable and dynamic spiritual sanctuary that addresses the evolving needs of future generations of American Muslims.

  • Construction Costs for a Sacred Space (Mussalla): By ensuring a welcoming and sacred space for every worshiper, our mission stands firm. Within the sacred confines of our masjid, around 275 devoted prayer spaces will offer solace and spiritual enrichment for the soul. For a contribution of only $2,000, you can become the benefactor of one such sacred space. With every bow of a head, every child's Quranic lesson, every declaration of faith, and every moment of inspiration within that sacred space, you will directly share in the blessings of those acts in perpetuity, inshaAllah. Your generosity not only shapes physical space but also nurtures the spiritual journey of countless souls yearning for improvement and enlightenment. 

    Multiple individuals may collectively sponsor a single space for the same cost. Unless you choose to remain anonymous, your sponsorship will be recognized on our website with your name(s). Note: The graphic represents available spots; the actual layout may differ after construction. (Click the image to enlarge.)

Visualization of prayer spaces available for sponsorship. Click to enlarge

  • Additional Spaces: Opportunities to sponsor select spaces such as the Imam’s prayer space, Imam’s minbar, wudu stations, kitchen, garden, and so on. Click here to learn more and view our menu of sponsorship opportunities.

How you can make a difference

By investing in Masjid Anisa, you are directly cultivating leaders and scholars with American roots who will guide and enrich our Muslim community, both locally and globally in the near future, inshaAllah.

Every contribution, regardless of size, propels us closer to our goal. Please share within your circle, amplifying the impact of your generosity. And keep us in your prayers! Masjid Anisa awaits, ready to write a new chapter in the story of Islam in America. Will you be a part of it? Make your tax-deductible gift now and be part of this historic moment! May your investment be rewarded in perpetuity. Ameen!