Ways to Donate
Click the button above to process your donation now. If planning a large donation, you can help us avoid transaction fees by choosing one of the following alternative payment methods.
Checks can be made to Masjid Anisa and mailed to:
1320 Boyle Street
Pittsburgh PA 15212 -
(412) 513-5735 or donations@masjidanisa.com
For information or assistance on arranging a loan, donating large amounts, or wire transfers, please email donations@masjidanisa.org or contact our Fundraising Coordinator, Ibrahim Philip Snow, at: +1 412-728-7037
MASJID ANISA is registered as a 501C3 Non Profit Religious Institution with the Federal Government
Our Employer Identification Number (EIN) Is: 26-4405279
DLN: 17053312357003